THE Berean
Bible Ministry


Later, when Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”

They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

“But what about you?” he asked, “Who do you say I am?”(Matt 16:13-16) Simon Peter answered, "you are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Was Jesus of Nazareth, the former carpenter, really the long awaited Messiah? Or was he just one of many in a long line of pretenders? 

He was the Messiah because he fulfilled the many prophecies of the Old Testament which pointed to the Messiah. Some of these prophesies include:

  • Micah 5:2 He would be born in Bethlehem. Anyone who claimed to be the Messiah who was not born in Bethlehem, is a phoney.Isa 35:5-6 He would perform miracles
  • Mal 3:1 He would cleanse the temple
  • Ps 118:22 He would be rejected by the Jews
  • Isa 53 He would be silent before his accusers, crucified with thieves, pray for His persecutors, and buried in a rich man’s tomb
  • Ps 22:16, Zech 12:10 He would be pierced
  • Ps 22 He would be mocked and others would gamble for his garments
  • Ps 16:10 He would rise from the dead
  • Ps 68:18 He would ascend into heaven
  • Isa 40:3 He would be heralded by John the Baptist

    No one else fulfilled the many Old Testament prophecies which pointed to the coming Messiah. Jesus was who he claimed to be; Emmanuel, God with us, the Messiah.

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August 26, 2024
Each year on the 9th of Av, the saddest day in Jewish history, the Jews observe a day of mourning for the destruction of the two temples in Jerusalem. The first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. and the second temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. In 2024 the day of remembrance will occur on August 12. Tradition holds that other calamities struck the Israelites on that same date. It was when the children of Israel were denied entrance into the Promised Land; when the last stronghold of the Bar Kokhba war was captured in 135 A.D. When a year later the Roman emperor established a heathen temple on the site of the Jewish temple. And it was the day the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492. It also brings into remembrance other calamites such as the expulsion of Jews from England and France, the Crusades and the holocaust. The 9th of Av thus became a symbol for all the persecutions and misfortunes of the Jewish people. Today, many Jews will observe the mourning rites for the death of a family member. This might include fasting, abstaining from bathing or the use of oils and perfumes. Sitting on the ground or on a low stool and not working. Readings would include the Book of Job and Lamentations (which describes the grieving over destroyed temple in the day of Jeremiah). At the synagogues the lights might be dimmed and only a few candles would be lit, as symbols of the darkness which has befallen Israel. The curtain of the Ark, which contains the Torah scroll, is removed. This is the curtain in the Holy of Holies in the Temple which, according to legend, was stabbed and desecrated by the Roman emperor Titus. Public places of entertainment and restaurants are closed on the eve of the 9th of Av. Why might this day of remembrance be of special significance in 2024? It is often times on such special days when many Israelites are preoccupied with religious observances and fasting that the enemies of Israel have attacked them. Most notably in 1973 when a coalition of Arab nations attacked Israel on Yom Kippur, a day of fasting for many of the Jewish people.  Today, Iran is threatening to attack Israel in retaliation for the deaths of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and top Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut. Some commentators suggest that this attack on Israel might occur on this day of mourning, the 9th of Av or August 12, 2024.
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Why Study the Bible?

Don’t many consider the Bible to be just a book of myths? Why do we read the Bible rather than the sacred literature of other religions?

How do we know that it is from God? How do we know that what we have today is an accurate translation from the original? Is the Bible complete or have there been some books that have been lost?

We should be able to answer these questions, and there are answers! So start here!

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Answers to Common Bible Questions

December 17, 2021
Lent is a six week period of spiritual devotion starting on Ash Wednesday and ending at Easter. Those who observe Lent usually give up something for Lent. Some might give up coffee, or soda pop, or alcohol, or chocolate. May I suggest that you give up something that will really impress God and make this season of Lent one of the most memorable and meaningful seasons of your life?  May I suggest that if you are giving up something, why not give up some of the acts of our sinful nature mentioned in Gal. 5:19? Why don’t we give up lying about others? Do you think you can give up the hate you feel towards others? How about envy, can we work on putting envy aside this year? How about giving up on the naïve idea that all pastors are mature Christian leaders whose word should always be accepted, rather than wolfs in sheep’s clothing (Matt 7:15). How about giving up the idea that everyone in church is a real Christian (Matt 7:21-23). How about giving up your desire to seek revenge on those who have hurt you (Matt 18:21-22)? If you are insecure and feel threatened when you see the success of others in ministry, how about giving up efforts to hinder others who have been called to minister (Rom 12:4-8)? Of course it is easier to give up something like chocolate, etc. and make yourself feel like you are doing something that is pleasing to God. If you are not willing to give up unchristian behavior, might I suggest something that will really please God this Lent? Give up all evidence of your profession of Christian faith, such as books, pictures and jewelry. Don’t talk about God, Jesus or the Church. I think God would appreciate it if you would stop giving HIM a bad name by the way you live. Let’s give up what hinders our witness and become a better ambassador for Christ (2 Cor 5:20) this Lenten season.
December 17, 2021
In Matthew 2:1-2 is says that the magi saw "His star in the east." What was this star that guided these men to Jesus? Some have suggested that it could have been a comet, an asteroid, or perhaps a meteor or an especially bright star. The problem with these suggestions is that these physical things either quickly move across the sky and then disappear or are too far away to provide directions with any precision. It would be hard to get directions from such objects. The "star" had to move constantly or intermittently at the same pace as the magi. Then it says that it hovered over the house where Mary and Joseph had moved to with Jesus. It hardly sounds like a comet or meteor or a star as we know them. Can you think of another time that people in the Bible were guided by some form of light? How about the time when Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt? He didn't have a global positioning system with him. He did have a pillar of fire that led him at night (Ex 13:21-22). We see this light in Solomon's Temple (2 Chron 7:1-3) and when the Jews were about to go into Babylonian captivity, we see it leaving the Temple (Ezek 9-11). In the New Testament we see it at the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:9) at His transfiguration (Matt 17:5) and His ascension (Acts 1:9).  What exactly was this guiding light? The word "star" can also be translated as "radiance." It appears that it was this "radiance" that guided Moses and the magi. The Jews call this the "Shekinah", a physical manifestation of the glory of God in the form of a supernatural radiance. This, I believe, is what the Star of Bethlehem was.
December 17, 2021
Imagine that you are the pastor of a church. A young married couple is having some difficulties in their relationship and they seek counsel from you. On Monday the wife comes in to give her assessment of their marriage. What do you think she will say? She might say that she is a hardworking, caring and supportive wife and that it is her husband who is the neglectful, insensitive brute and the source of all problems in the marriage. You feel so sorry for this wife and when you see her husband in the hallway, you think to yourself, "What a jerk." On Friday the husband comes in and gives his assessment of the marriage. He tells you that he is hard working and very generous and that she is the major problem in the relationship. As the pastor, you are wondering if they both are talking about the same marriage. Each person tells you what makes them look best and their spouse the worst. Where is the truth? The truth is probably somewhere in between  Proverbs 18:17 says, "The first to present his case seems right, til another comes forward and questions him." There are conflicts in all relationships, between spouses, parents and children, employees and employers. When you hear one side of a story, don’t assume that what you hear is the complete truth. And don’t pass on to someone else what you have heard. Probably, at least some of what you heard is untrue to gain your support in a conflict.
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